"Everything is clearly a blur of something."
Taking photos while driving (home from work at 3am) would be unwise had there been another wandering soul like me, searching for the spot where the moon meets the ground. But, alas, I was alone. With the exception of a police car here and there.
I'm tired of people patting my hand, telling me I can have the world. If that were true why I am I denied people and places and things I have deep, sincere feelings for? Over and over again. And back again. I never asked for the world. I just asked for...well, you know.
Advice is a funny thing. So is pity. Do you know how many times I've heard, "Aw, Jerilyn. You'll be okay." in the past two weeks? Many times. Well, perhaps it's not pity as much as it is certainty. Who knows.
Apologizing is a truly humbling experience. A rough one, too.
For the record, I did not (despite what people may tell you) cry while listening to "You're Not Alone" by Michael Jackson. And I certainly wasn't crying into a large pile of camisoles. And HAD I been crying I certainly wouldn't be mouthing the words to the song. No...that would be pathetic. I did, however, sing almost every "Jock Jam" on the "Jock Jams" cd. Oh, and I did slow dance with myself to a Justin Timberlake song.Nothing to be ashamed of. Right? Right! But, remember, I DID NOT CRY while listening to a MICHAEL JACKSON SONG. Pshhh. Thats not something I would do....ha.....ha.
Have you heard? Spring has sprung...and he's hung like a horse!!!!That is why I would like to announce that I plan on losing my virginity to Spring. I'm going to blow his mind (among other things.) I'm going to come IN like a lion and come OUT like a lion. Oh, Spring. I want to fuck you. Let's do this.
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