Because I think that a day to day summary of my time spent in Texas would not only be exhausting, but rather mundane, I will share my silly notes I took about observations I made and thoughts I had.
Anna (flight attendant): "We do what we have to do, honey."
All older men in Texas look like potential (and in some cases, guilty) child rapists.
"The moment I realized I was in trouble was the same moment I knew that I was safe."
Adjusting the volume, I crouched beside the clock radio, delicately turning the dial hoping to hear a whisper from home."
Texas is alone.
I heard Dolly Parton on the radio. The man conducting the interview asked her about the upkeep of her acrylic nails. She giggled and gave a southern answer.
It was either Peter Gabriel or Phil Collins. I could never tell the difference.
I walked past someone smoking a cigarette. My knees buckled and I'm pretty sure I came.
Main topic of discussion when out to "brunch" with a "mom"? Childrens food allergies.
"Although I remain untouched and oblivious to the pleasures of sex, the rapture that seizes my body at the sight (and smell-oh, the smell!) of vintage clothing and antique furniture is undoubtedly the greatest feeling I've ever known. Perhaps I don't need the companionship of a man. Maybe I just need to live in the past forever, where my future holds nothing but second chances."
Gay Asian=Gasian
The music box on the mantle plays Aidel Weiss. For some reason it reminds me of my childhood.
Is it wrong to feel flattered by middle school boys whistling at me through school bus windows?
"You'll have to identify the body. You know her tattoos better than anyone"
Who gave sixth graders that idea that they could sing Broadway show tunes?
In brief summary, I had a wonderful time. I spent my days in a mansion house surrounded by sunshine. I felt out of place, but I was warm.
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