"You don't have to compromise who you are to grow up."
Everyone has both "good" and "bad" days.
Some have more of one and some have more of the other. The past few weeks it seems as though I have had my fair share of bad days and I find it to be completely undeserved.
My size 0's are falling off my hips and I haven't had a period in over three months. I suppose my body is reflecting the outer chaos. Or maybe I'm just dying.
When I went on my cigarette break, I was very close to leaving
work and never coming back. But I forgot my keys.
I'm always forgetting my keys.
I am actin' a fool when it comes to my writing.
I make excuse after excuse as to why I have to postpone writing.
I just hope that these excuses don't add up to something bigger and more permanent.
Three days off and a few unstable plans.
This might be nice.
I hate people who are living "the" life.
I'm not sure I can associate with perfection.
There has to be more to this story.
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