Friday, February 6, 2009

quiet little voices.

My lips are chapped, which makes my mouth feel neglected.
My stomach is turning upside and downside and side to side.
My head is swelling, possibly from the excess of persistent thought.
This is to be expected. It is Friday, after all.

I almost bought a Huey Lewis and the News cd at the Salvation Army. Not buying it is currently my most consuming regret. What was I thinking? I wasn't thinking (which is very rarely a problem for me.)

I also almost bought (and regret not doing so) a pair of portraits of these creepy and sad looking redheaded children.

While contemplating the purchase of the aforementioned cd record album, a little blond girl asked me if I had ever been in a movie. When I said "No" she told me about her dog and her love of marshmallows. She was my only true and unassuming human interaction today.

The joy of clean sheets and bedding is completely unappreciated.

I think my fish knew me in a past life. He's always looking at me. Staring, actually. And not staring like a fish just, like, stares. He's neurotic and easily startled.
I'm glad I saved his life.

I think I might vomit.

"Let's slam our doors in unison
and step out into the light
when we're ready to be okay.

(happy 50th post to me. yay)

1 comment:

Rich Armaly said...

I enjoy reading your blog.