Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday.

I have yet to see what is so good about this particular Friday, but I suppose the day is young, yet. There's still time to prove me wrong.

I have, for the past few days, the most insane cravings for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Apple Jacks. I have not had, nor wanted these things in years. If my cravings are not fulfilled soon I may resort to doing something crazy! Crazy, I tell you!

My work situation is getting progressively worse and worse. I will have been there a year next month. $7.63/hr. That place is fucked. Fucked, I tell you! I hate that I'm relying on something good happening in Chicago, but I am. Desperately. I've told everyone about my opportunity and it will be super embarrassing if I have to come back home to say, "Well, things didn't work out."

It's going on one month and I know this because I can't help but keep track of time. I realize I'm not an "easy" girl to love or even like, for that matter. And I know that I'm not as special as people make me out to be. But I've come to my own conclusion even though I know it's not the truth. This is taking longer than I had anticipated.

I watched Saved by the Bell: The College Years and it made me happier than I feel comfortable admitting.

Since starting this entry my pb&j and Apple Jacks cravings have been fulfilled, thanks to my stepmother. Praise the heavens!!!!

I think I'll start wearing mens cologne. It suits me a bit better.

I'm probably going out tonight. It's Good Friday, after all.

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