Alas, I have had yet another painstakingly strange week. As if that comes as any surprise.
I was demoted from my position at work on Friday. This entailed a private talk in the back room, with a few stubborn tears running down my face. "It's too little, too late" she said. "It's obvious that you're burned out" she said. I'm not sure what any of this means. So I now fail to hold a position of any importance. I am merely there for the sake of being there. A few hours of my evening were spent in a strange house that resembled the one I grew up in, with a few people I hadn't met before. It smelled of incense. Birthday cake was involved.
The early portion of my Saturday was spent at work. I stood in the front of the store greeting incoming customers, bidding farewell to those leaving. It's upsetting how many people ignore your cheery "Hello" and your equally cheery "Have a lovely day!" After work I made a pit stop at McDonalds, as I was fucking starving. While enjoying my food a man also eating alone (in the corner) began to sing (to himself, or perhaps AT me) Token- The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Oh yes. He also managed to hit the high notes on every set of "Wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh." After he concluded he started to talk about the time he was in the war and then something about a hitchhiker. I headed over to Rockabilly's to celebrate record store day and to ultimately see The Silent Years. I was in that store far too long. Some guy started hitting on me, talking to me about old Stones records and vinyl. And then I had a scare which sent me running for the door. I perched myself on the side of the building, smoked a few cigarettes and made a panicked phone call. I ended up hiding in my car for a lot longer than I had wanted. I wrote a song while I waited for my nerves to calm themselves. Mama Sara (Mama is a loving pet name I have chosen to give her) eventually showed up and TSY played in the backroom for 9 people, maybe 10. They played a song about a forest fire. Afterwards they replayed their set in the parking lot for a couple of kids who missed it. A few friends ditched me so Mama and I went and got ice cream, shot the shit. Went to her house, ventured out to Hamtramck to The Belmont. I sent/recieved too many text messages. Several messages in my inbox startled me upon reading them. I got home around 3am. It was a beautiful day. The sun left its mark on my cheeks.
Everywhere I go women are pregnant.
Everywhere I look cars are embedded in embankments.
I had to explain to someone why the word "cunt" is regarded as a curse word. I had to explain to them what it meant. I then proceeded to explain the context "cunt" is and should be used in.
If I should be trash, then I hope that someday soon that I am found as someones treasure.
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