Thursday, June 4, 2009


1: extending indefinitely :endless <infinite space>
2: immeasurably or inconceivably great or extensive: inexhaustible <infinite patience>
3: subject to no limitation or external determination

I'm getting a new tattoo. I'm starting at the beginning. Things will start happening, not because they need to or have to, but because I now know that I have the power to alter each and every avenue I am confronted with.

Three years ago today, I graduated high school and I am in the exact same place, feeling the exact same way, thinking about the exact same things. This is a wake up call. I suppose this whole week has been a wake up call. But what happens when I fall asleep?

Freedom, in its purest most unassuming form can only be found on a dance floor. Or so I am convinced.

I spent the entire evening dancing with my eyes closed. Flashes of light shined through in distorted shades of shadow. Of course when I opened them, I was blinded by awkward familiarity, which I did my best to avoid even though I wanted nothing more than for them to recognize me (which they would have if I had been standing a bit closer.) It's best that we did not exchange words. They would have forgotten my name, but would remember my brief association with you. Perhaps you told them all about how it "Didn't work out" or perhaps you never told them anything at all. Despite not talking to them, seeing them was proof enough that this hurts. I was led astray by a reckless heart and now I am trying to find my way back.

Him: clean break?

Me: I don't want to lose a friend, though.

Me: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said.

Him: Its not as if you'll never hear from me.

Him: Its ok.

Him: It isn't right for me to talk to you anymore.

Me: It's fine. I'm fine, really.

Him: Keep this part out of your blog.

Him: but I really am an awful person; An awful, lonely, bad person.

Me: Oh shut up with that. jesus. And I leave nothing out of my blog.

Him: you should have more confidence. My final words.

Me: final words?

I won't be drinking from the poisoned well of love any time soon.
In fact, I'm starting to lose the will to drink at all.

I will never begin to understand how it is people can hurt one another. I include myself in this both parts of this riddle.

It's strange to watch everyone walk away from you so easily.

My world is moving in such a dreamlike rotation.

I'll find the pieces.

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